The Deals Analysis mode allows you to quickly hone in on the critical data you need. Select from a comprehensive list of over 700 search criteria items including:
Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) - Global Transactions since 1977 - M&A
The Deals company-specific Merger & Acquisition pages list detailed merger-and-acquisition transaction data and include announced date, effective date, target, target advisor, transaction statistics, target financials, acquiror, acquiror advisor, acquiror financials, status, rank value and deal synopsis.
- 400,000+ Global Transactions Since 1977 - Mergers & Acquisitions
- Tender Offers
- Spin Offs
- Stake Purchases
- Repurchases
- Rumored and Seeking Buyer Transactions
Equity 80,000+ Global Transactions Since 1970 - IPOs
The Deals company-specific Equity pages list equity transactions and include the issued day, issuer, proceeds amount, issue, type and bookrunner for each transaction. You can retrieve a more thorough report on each record detailing the transaction, filing, manager, after-market performance, advisors, issuer, fees, financial data and lock-up information.
- Follow-On Offerings
- Convertible Debt Offerings
- Expected Deal Pipelines
- Private Placements
- Withdrawn/Postponed Offerings
- Shelf Registrations
The company-specific Bonds pages list bond transactions since 1998 and include the issued day, issuer, proceeds amount, type, coupon and bookrunner for each transaction. You can also retrieve a more detailed report on each record, which includes details on the transaction, filing, manager, preferred, issuer, fee/cost and benchmark, as well as rating and redemption information, a list of other advisors and additional details.
Syndicated Loans 92,000+ Global Transactions Since 1982 - Investment Grade Loans
The Deals company-specific Loans pages list transactions and include the closed day, borrower, loan package amount and bookrunner for each transaction. You can retrieve a more thorough report on each record detailing the transaction, borrower, tranche, repayment, bookrunner-and-mandated arranger, agent, facility, pricing/fees, proceeds, guarantor and IFR comments.
- Near Investment Grade Loans
- Leveraged Loans
- Highly Leveraged Loans
- Daily and Historical News
Project Finance 3,800+ Global Transactions Since 1990 - Announced Projects*
The Deals Project Finance overview page offers headline news (date, source, region and headline), global announced project volume by quarter (plus details), global funded projects by region (plus details) and global project finance recent activity (year-to-date).
- Financed Projects*
- In Process Projects*
- Under Construction Projects*
- Daily and Historical News
*on a limited or non-recourse basis
Deals Strategy
Deals Strategy enables you to analyze deal activity and fee generation across different product types, industries, regions, peers, clients and time using an intuitive user interface coupled with powerful analytical tools.
- Loss Analysis
- Top Fee Payers
- Wallet Share
- League Tables
- Matrix Summary
Click-Through to Source Documents
Click-through functionality allows you to access source documents related to a specific transaction.
You can select the specific filing type as well as the document format. You can use a filing document's table of contents to navigate through it to open a specific section.
Note: If there is a source document available, you will see a Filing icon next to the Deal Tear Sheet icon . Click-through to the source document functionality is available to Deals Add-On users only.